
The Society of the 1st Infantry Division was founded in 1919 and has been in continuous operation ever since. It is composed of Soldiers who served with the Big Red One in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, during the Cold War/Peacetime, in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s a dynamic, rapidly expanding family of 1st Infantry Division veterans who are justifiably PROUD of their service with the Army’s oldest and most renowned division, the famous Big Red One.

The Society is proud of its many programs and activities. Among the more important of these is our annual reunion. Our 2025 reunion will take place in Oak Brook Illinois. There are usually between 250 to 400 Big Red One Veterans and their families in attendance. Regimental Command Posts, regimental seating at our banquet allows our veterans to be seated by period of service, as we try to continue the unit experience.  During our “conflict” breakfasts, everyone sits together.  

Memorializing the sacrifices of our fallen comrades is another important activity. The Society maintains five World War I and five World War II monuments in Europe. We also have a magnificent 1st Infantry Division Memorial, adjacent to the White House, in Washington, DC. It is an outstanding tribute to all 1 ID Soldiers who died in combat in all the wars in which the Division has participated. Currently the 1st Infantry Division Monument has the names of 12,947 who lost their lives in combat between WW1 and Desert Storm.  The names of 631 Post 9/11 were added to the monument Memorial Day 2023.  Every Memorial Day we have a ceremony there. We also place a wreath at the Vietnam Wall. Of course, a memorial service is one of the special features at each of our reunions every year.

Our scholarship program is another significant activity, facilitated by the Foundation associated with the Society. It began with monthly pay-line contributions in Vietnam and continues today through the generous support of our members. The Foundation offered scholarships to all children of our Big Red One Soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam and was expanded to include those who died in Desert Storm and in on-the-job accidents. That program, in conjunction with our competitive scholarship program for children and grandchildren of 1st Infantry Division veterans and active-duty Soldiers, has awarded over 1,500 scholarships.

The most important characteristic of the 1st Infantry Division has always been that it is not only 1st, but also the BEST. Now that you have found us, we look forward to having YOU as an active, participating member of the Society of the 1st Infantry Division. Renew your PRIDE in your selfless SERVICE to your country and your PRIDE in wearing the BIG RED ONE patch on your shoulder. Join up now and help us to make the Society a better organization even more worthy of the name and legacy of our magnificent Division.